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Welcome to the Old Schoolhouse Microschool

Where is the Old Schoolhouse located?

For the 2023-2024 school year, OSM will be located at 17804 Concord CT NW, Elk River, MN, 55330. We will be spending lots of time at the nearby parks.


What is a Microschool?

A microschool is a one room schoolhouse designed for the 21st century. Classes are small, multi-age, where each child receives the attention they need. It is the perfect balance between homeschooling and traditional schooling. Offering individualized instruction in a small group setting.


While the Old Schoolhouse Microschool is not the first of its kind in Minnesota, the concept is new to many parents. Microschools have grown in popularity across America in the last decade and are predominantly found in Texas, California, and New England. Microschools tend to be grassroot organizations and are founded by parents and educators who have identified a learning need and/or educational services gap in educational opportunities in their community. Each microschool is unique in their educational philosophy, school culture, schedules, and student populations. The average microschools serve 15 – 30 multi-age children, but some larger established schools educate up to 150 children in small groupings. 


Does the Old Schoolhouse accept children with disabilities?


Yes. We are an inclusive learning community. We accept and are happy to enroll children who are neuro-diverse or have medical issues. 


All students must be able to negotiate a full set of stairs on their own, as our learning rooms are located on the lower level of our home. Additionally, we do not accept students with significant behavioral issues. 


How can one teacher teach multiple grade levels at the same time?

The Old Schoolhouse Microschool is small on purpose. We employ what is called a blended classroom approach, where students are taught one-on-one, or in a small group with a teacher, and then continue the learning through innovative projects and child-centered activities. This approach is in many ways similar to a Montessori educational method. Staying small allows the teacher to differentiate instruction in a more effective way than in a traditional classroom.


In reality, the idea of the blended classroom approach is the hardest paradigm shift for adults, who attended a traditional classroom, to make. The traditional model of education, that most of us experienced, is based upon the assumption that all students learn very specific concepts in a very specific order and at very specific ages. This traditional method assumes that a group of 20-30 or so students, all around the same age, are all in the same place to learn new content whether or not they are interested in it or are indeed ready for it. Studies show that this is simply not true. The blended classroom approach challenges this by allowing the student to help design the course based upon readiness and interest. Students will be allowed to progress at their own pace under the tutelage of a master instructor. 


The traditional method relies heavily upon lectures, worksheets, homework, and testing. If you’re interested in how teachers are reversing the “lecture bottleneck” read this article. This is also why we will work within large learning blocks rather than a more rigid hourly subject approach.  The blocks allow students to engage with the material in a full learning cycle, and to deeply immerse themselves in content they enjoy. This creates opportunities for children to learn at their own pace, and more time for teachers to guide and observe each student.


How do I know if my child is a good fit for microschooling?

Students who excel in the small, multi-age classroom at the Old Schoolhouse Microschool are independent learners who have a deep curiosity for the world around them. They thrive when given the time, encouragement, and skills to take deep dives into topics that intrigue them. They are comfortable working collaboratively with a team, or on their own. They persevere through difficult tasks and are excited about demonstrating their expertise in creative ways. They encourage and mentor each other, they are bright, creative, and playful. They are students who love movement, the outdoors, and are not afraid to make mistakes or work through questions. They love making connections, and seeing their learning connected to real life experiences. True learning occurs when students are unburdened from the pressure of busy work or the need to cram for tests that do not serve them long-term. 


How do I know if my educational goals for my children align with the Old Schoolhouse


Parents who recognize that education is a lifelong process, and not a destination, are well aligned with our educational philosophy. Parents who understand that there is an important difference between learning and schoolwork are well aligned with our educational philosophy.


If you have multiple children, you know that even though they crawled, rolled-over, walked, and slept through the night at different times, each of them mastered it. Why then, would we believe that all children suddenly become standardized at age 5 and begin to learn everything at the same rate? That educational paradigm was conceived of to streamline teaching, rather than to promote learning. A child's individual development and learning timeline still exists. Ignoring that truth results in frustrated children who merely tolerate school, and who feel stuck in a system that does not pique their interest or capture their creativity.


At the Old Schoolhouse Microschool, instruction is based on each child’s individual development and readiness. We continually assess skills and plan instruction accordingly. We evaluate based on mastery, not standardized assessments, because we believe that every learner is unique. We utilize a combination of 1:1 instruction and multi-age small group instruction to build trust and willingness to learn new skills.


All parents want their child to master real-life skills, develop healthy learning habits, and have meaningful educational experiences. At the Old Schoolhouse Microschool, we prioritize all of these concepts and intentionally make space for mastery, healthy habits, and fun and interesting learning experiences. 


At OSM, we are pro-education, and we want all forms of schooling to be accessible, healthy options for our children. OSM is unique in its approach, but is one of many forms to help bring out the full potential naturally embedded in our children. 


How is this model different from homeschooling?

We will be asking each family to register as a homeschool family within their school district. This is the only part of The Old Schoolhouse Microschool that is connected to, or resembles, the home education model. In summary, the term “microschool” is relatively new and sits in a gray space between the idea of homeschooling and a small private school. We will use the flexible scheduling and personalized approach of homeschooling, but with licensed teachers who are committed to a reimagined way of teaching and learning. 


How does the Old Schoolhouse Microschool differ from other private schools in the Twin Cities?

The Old Schoolhouse Microschool provides a truly personalized educational setting for your child. The multi-age small group “one-room schoolhouse” setting allows for student teacher ratios ranging from 1:1 instruction to 12:1 group activities. Students learn at their own developmental rate and learn in fluid groups that are determined by mastery not standardized age-based grades. Students have time each school day to play and explore, and are not confined to fast constricting schedules or rigid curriculum. Children have choice and responsibility for their learning which develops executive functioning.


Can students arrive late and leave early? How flexible is the school day?

Absolutely! One priority of this model is to allow flexibility for your family. Students can arrive as early as 8:45 am with the first education block begins at 9:30 am. Our last education block will end at 3:30 pm and students will have additional flex time in the afternoon. We ask for all students to be picked up by 4:00 pm each day. 


We will tailor education to your child and so if school days are missed, there is no absent work required out of school. You get to decide when, and how many days of school, your family attends.  

Are there attendance requirements? How flexible is the school year?

No. As homeschool parents, you are responsible for your children’s education. If you choose to take a vacation or attend a special event on a school day, that’s great! We will want to see pictures!

However, tuition will not be refunded for days your child does not come to school.


Will my child have homework?

We do not assign homework. If a child has not mastered a skill at school, we will not ask them to practice it at home with minimal support. Conversely, if a child has mastered a skill, they would not need to practice it more. It is always wonderful when a child chooses to immerse themselves in a good book, or write independently, but we do not believe that busy work is necessary for learning. The low teacher to student ratios and individualized learning allow us to optimize student learning each day. We value the opportunity for our students to enjoy family life, activities, after school classes, and informal learning through play with peers and family members.


What materials will you use to teach the curriculum?

A plethora of materials and curriculum are readily available on site. We will create a curriculum pathway for students in math, writing, reading, history, and science.


We will collect and use hands-on tools and innovative and interactive materials as students travel down their learning pathway. We have an extensive library of materials on site which fosters learning and inspires students. We will use online sources to help bring more depth to lessons and activities. We actively keep these two types of materials (physical and digital) in balance. 


Will gifted student education be offered?


Students gifted in all or in certain areas will be directed towards curriculum that is at an appropriate level to meet their educational needs and interests.


How will feedback work without report cards?

Student learning is continually assessed and teachers provide parents with weekly learning reports. These reports will consist of detailed but succinct notes on each student; cataloging skills, growth, levels of questioning, interests, and mastery.


However, feedback and reporting are still incredibly valuable to help guide the teacher, inform the parent, and inspire the child. The State of Minnesota also expects a certain level of reporting for homeschool families, and we will honor the State requirements, and even go above the amount of communication received in a traditional school setting. 


Our goal is to help students become entirely ready for high school. Most importantly, they will be excited to learn, and confident in their abilities to problem solve, write, read, create, and communicate. There will be large amounts of reporting along the way, it will just be mostly between teachers and parents, and not used as the primary motivator for learning. The natural, innate spark of learning, and the joy and growth that accompanies it, will be front and center, without report cards standing in the way.


What will J-term days look like?

Teachers will guide groups through a large-scale project. Some examples of project ideas might be designing and conducting a field day; participating in a play, practicing and showcasing it in a performance, rehearsing and performing in a musical concert, showcasing their creations in fiber arts, and bringing in special experts, scientists and authors. Writing a short story or novella in 30 days. Students are encouraged to design their own J-term project.


Participate in our optional family travel opportunities to Florida and take part in a performance onstage at Walt Disney World and in one of Disney Imagination Campus's unique day classes. Such as Theme Park Design, Immersive Storytelling, Physics of Disney Parks, Technology of Disney Parks, How Do Rollercoasters Work?, and Disney Leadership. 


***Please note that all travel opportunities are available at an additional cost***

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